Disability Access Audit Costs

The cost of a DDA Equality Act access audit report depends greatly on many factors. When requesting quotes from various audit companies your greatest concern should be how much will the recommendations within the report cost me? As mentioned in other pages of our site, we are very much aware of the overall costs to you and while we consider our access audit prices to be exceptionally competitive we are fully aware of your costs. Most importantly the cost of any changes you may need to make. Access All Areas always considers the financial burden involved in gaining compliance. Seeking a more financial rewarding result for our clients while still giving you the highest level of access and egress solutions that meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

It is imperative that we discuss your needs with you in detail to establish what areas do/do not need to be audited. This is a free service with a no obligation proposal and quotation. The cost of our services and the production and supply of our comprehensive disability equality access audit will be based on the services within your building, such as receptions, WC’s, lifts, stairs, meeting rooms etc. As an example if you have a large building with ten meeting rooms, We would suggest we audit only two of those rooms. (There is no need to have disability compliance in multiple rooms that serve the same purpose) This not only keeps the cost of your access audit report down but more importantly keeps your recommendation costs down. This is standard practice for Access All Areas.

We are able to be flexible with our pricing structure to best meet your needs. Multiple properties will of course receive discounted prices for the entire contract. Although Access All Areas covers all of the UK, we do not charge for mileage or accommodation. Our price quoted is the price you pay.

Call or email Access All Areas today for friendly straight talking free advice on 01255-242777
A phone call to us will cost you Pence, choosing the wrong access auditor could cost you Pounds!

The DDA was approved by the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister. Access All Areas is proud to be the access audit company chosen to undertake their audits and many of the UK’s largest establishments throughout many UK locations.

Access All Areas

Your Number One Disabled Access audit specialist In The UK

© www.access-auditing.com • E-mail accessauditing@aol.com • Tel: 01255-242777