Reasonable adjustment DDA and Equality Act Access Audits

All disability act access audits undertaken by Access All Areas pay great attention to ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ We have vast experience in this area. We have proven that this approach will save your business money by recommending not only what is reasonably expected of you to comply with the the previous Disability Discrimination Act 1995 but what best assists your disabled visitors and staff members within the Equality Act 2010. Unreasonable and unneeded costly changes are always avoided.

The reasons for carrying out an access audit are to help meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and improve disabled access and egress and in turn increase your custom and turnover as well as help protect you from claims of disability discrimination. It is necessary to carry out an access audit to establish what action is needed. This takes the form of an initial consultation with you to determine your business needs followed by an access audit inspection of the premises. A price would be agreed before any work has begun.

A comprehensive access audit report will then be produced, this will become your plan forward. Your report will detail current non-compliance and recommend a course of action to be implemented as a future plan. Photographs within your report will identify areas of non-compliance. Priorities will be given to work recommended. Some items (Especially Health & Safety issues) may need to be carried out immediately whereas other items could be added to the regular maintenance program of your building. Some larger items may need to be included in a feasibility study undertaken by yourselves. Diagrams and step by step instructions will also be included inline with disability equality requirements. Your Equality Act report is supplied in PDF via email with colour hardback and a CD copy if required.

Access All Areas is proud of its customer relations. We offers a free telephone help-line to assist you while work is being planned and undertaken. We have a very high level of understanding of the many disabilities. Hearing and visual impairments along with learning difficulties, ambulant disabilities and physical disabilities and those of wheelchair users must all be considered on equal terms.

For more details oo our past DDA audits and the current Equality Act of 2010 and our ‘Reasonable Adjustment‘ disability access audits, please call Access All Areas today on 01255-242777 or Email us. Your telephone call will cost you pence, employing the wrong disability access auditor and taking the wrong approach could cost you pounds!

Access All Areas - The sensible approach to disabled compliance