Reasons to Choose Access All Areas

Access All Areas does not believe in simply coming along to your business and producing an access report that makes high cost recommendations in accordance to British Standards 8300 & Buildings Regulations Part M. We do indeed use these requirements to produce our access reports but instead of just seeing a problem and quoting the often costly solutions from these references, we look for alternative solutions under the realm of ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ the previous Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and the now Equality Act of 2010 state that compliance to the act should be by ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ Access All Areas has implemented this time and time again to save our customers a great deal of money. Access All Areas has a disabled access auditor on their team that fully understands disabled issues as well as the law.

Every building is unique in its access and egress problems and solutions. Access All Areas spends a great deal of time studying the solutions as well as the problems. We work hand in hand with our customers and greatly value your input before producing a report. This helps you gain full compliance to the Act by means designed to suit your individual needs and available finances. Access All Areas finds cost effective solutions to your access & egress issues with assistance from our disabled qualified access auditor.

Nobody can understand the issues, problems and solutions of disability access and egress better than a disabled person. Not only that, a disabled person that fully understands ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ and the Equality Act.

All our access audit reports are backed up by our after sales telephone help-line service this is a unique service that offers continued assistance in meeting the requirements of your access audit report. (However long it takes) Access all Areas holds full professional indemnity insurance and has undertaken all areas of Disability awareness, Disability access/egress, the DDA and the Equality Act 2010 including BS8300 & building regulations Part M and Health & Safety issues.

To offer you further assurance of the quality of our services we are more than happy to pass contact details of our satisfied Previous Customers for you to speak to.

Call or email Access All Areas today for friendly straight talking free advice on 01255-242777
A phone call to us will cost you Pence, choosing the wrong access auditor could cost you Pounds!

The DDA was approved by the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister. Access All Areas is proud to be the access audit company chosen to be involved in their audits (GOEM)

Access All Areas accessibility DDA audit statement by reasonable adjustment.

Your Number One Equality Act 2010 Access Audit Specialist In The UK